COP Governing Statute 3 College Governance and Roles of the Faculty/Bylaws

(The last amendment was made on Sept 20, 2021, and this replaces the COP Governing Statutes III)


The official name of the college is “California Health Sciences University – College of Pharmacy” and is referred to throughout this document as “College of Pharmacy (COP).”

The faculty of the COP, together with the Dean and the Executive Committee (EC)share the responsibility for the governance of its affairs, including, but not limited to, academic matters; student policies; faculty merit and equity issues; faculty appointment, promotion and policies; and other COP operational policies.

The purposes of COP Bylaws are to define the membership of general faculty of the COP and to provide a framework within which the administration and faculty of the COP participate in the decision-making processes of the COP. The overarching objective is to allow participation of faculty in formulating policies and procedures to effectively advance the mission and goals of the COP.

These Bylaws shall govern the organization and procedures of COP and shall conform to policies and procedures of COP. Nothing in these Bylaws is intended to supersede or contravene the existing regulations of CHSU.

Executive Committee (EC)

The Executive Committee (EC) shall consist of the COP Dean, all Assistant and Associate Deans, all Department Chairs, Director of Experiential Education, Faculty Forum Chair and any other person designated by the COP Dean. The COP Dean shall serve as Chair of the EC and may appoint another member of EC to serve in his/her absence. The EC will meet as often as is necessary but at least once each quarter.

The main function of the EC is to advise the COP Dean on all internal affairs related to the COP. Specifically, the responsibilities of the EC include:

  • Establish the initial administrative policies and procedures for the COP
  • Review and approve all recommendations from all Standing or ad hoc committee
  • Advise the COP Dean on budgetary issues
  • Assist in the strategic planning for the COP

Definitions of Individuals and Groups


  • The COP Dean is an ex officio member of all committees.
  • All College of Pharmacy committees are advisory to the Dean
  • The typical term of membership for all committees shall be two years with approximately one half of the membership rotating off each year, serving staggered terms. The Dean may reappoint a member to a committee longer than the two-year period.
  • A faculty or non-faculty member may request to the Chair of their respective department to serve on any committee which they are eligible.


  • The faculty of the COP shall consist of all individuals holding > 0.50 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) appointments within the COP with the title of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Instructor. Unless otherwise stated, reference to the “Faculty” in this document refers to the fulltime faculty of COP only.
  • The faculty membership of each COP committee is appointed by the Dean at the start of each academic year.
  • The composition of the committees shall be sent as a memo to the individual faculty, announced via email to the faculty and will be available on the will be provided via a shared file to all COP faculty of the COP.

Non-Faculty members:

  • The non-faculty members of the COP shall consist of all individuals holding an appointment ≤ 0.50 FTE within the COP with the title of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, or Instructor. In addition, the non-faculty members shall also include individuals, visiting research or teaching faculty, or research scientists working in any research/teaching laboratory of the COP.
  • The non-faculty members can be a non-voting member of any standing or ad hoc committee of COP as recommended by the chair of the respective department and approved by the COP Dean.
  • staff members are not included in the definition of non-faculty


  • Instructors are paid full time or part-time individuals that do not hold a terminal degree in their field, appointed by the Dean
  • Adjunct faculty members can be appointed as non-voting members of committees.

Adjunct Faculty:

  • Adjunct faculty of the COP shall be individuals that serve as part-time faculty appointed by the COP Dean.
  • Adjunct faculty members can be appointed as non-voting members of committees by COP Dean

Initial Rank:

At the time of initial hire, the typically assigned rank of full-time faculty will be Assistant Professor, for part-time faculty will be Adjunct Assistant Professor, and for preceptors will be Clinical Assistant Professor, unless otherwise determined. The COP Dean may assign a different initial rank during the contract negotiation phase after consultation with the candidate Department Chair and/or the Faculty Rank and Promotion Committee. For appointment at a rank higher than Assistant Professor the Dean will take into consideration Faculty Rank and Promotion recommendations, the applicant’s rank at previous universities, teaching, research/scholarly activities, patient care, service and any other relevant factors in consideration of the promotion criteria outlined below.

Student Members:

  • Student members participate in the select Standing or Ad hoc committees as described in the bylaws of that committee.
  • The Assistant Dean for Student Affairs in consultation with committee chairs will solicit student volunteers and forward the names of selected students (from each class of the COP as described in the bylaws of the committee) to the COP Dean to be appointed as a regular or alternate student member of the Standing/ad hoc committee at an appropriate time in each academic year.
  • Students are ineligible to serve on any committee in the COP during any period that they are on probation or not continuously enrolled as full-time students in the COP.
  • Student member(s) who fails to attend three consecutive committee meetings of the regularly scheduled meetings of the respective committee or are unable to fulfill their term due to any academic or non-academic reason (such as leave of absence, failing grades, etc.) may be replaced by the alternate who will be informed by the Chair of the respective committee by official email.
  • Once a student is removed from a committee, he/she can be reinstated to that committee by the COP Dean, if recommended by the Chair of the respective committee.
  • The Chair of the committee holds the right to approve of the presence of the student member(s) during meetings when confidential issues related to a faculty/student is/are discussed.
  • Student members are voting members of the committee, unless stated otherwise in the bylaws of the committee. All student members in a committee will have one collective vote distributed equally amongst them.

Staff Members:

  • Staff members participate in the select Standing or Ad hoc committees as described in the bylaws of that committee.
  • The staff membership of each COP committee is appointed by the Dean at the start of each academic year.
  • The composition of the committees shall be sent as a memo to the individual staff, announced via email to the staff, and will be available on the will be provided via a shared file to all COP faculty of the COP.
  • Staff members are non-voting members of the committee, unless stated otherwise in the bylaws of the committee.


  • A quorum is defined as a simple majority of the voting members of the respective committee.
  • An ex officio or student member of the committee present at the meeting is included for determination of a quorum. However, her/his absence shall not count for determining the quorum.


  • An ex officio member of any committee will have voting privileges unless described otherwise.
  • Vote count will be recorded in the personal presence of the voting member or via email or teleconference (video and/or audio/phone).
  • Voting within committee meetings will be recorded as the number of votes for and the number of votes against a motion.
    • In the usual situation, where the rules require either a “majority vote” or a “two-thirds vote,” abstentions have absolutely no effect on the outcome of the vote since what is required is either a majority or two thirds of the votes cast. On the other hand, if the rules explicitly require a majority or two thirds of the members present, or a majority or two thirds of the entire membership, an abstention will have the same effect as a “no” vote. Even in such a case, however, an abstention is not a vote and is not counted as a vote.
  • The vote of the Chair of the committee will count on par with other full voting members of the committee.
  • All actions of the committee, unless otherwise specified in the bylaws of the specific committee, require an affirmative vote by a majority of the voting members in any committee.

Advance notice for voting: Any motion that needs voting by a committee shall be distributed to all the committee members at least 5 business days before the voting. Under special circumstances when all members of a committee are present during a meeting, a new motion can be voted upon at the same meeting.

General Committee Policies

  1. All committees will be conducted using the Robert’s Rules of Order. Roberts Rules is used to protect the rights of everyone and keep things moving in an orderly fashion. General Robert said in his original edition of the rulesthat we should never be technical or more strict than is absolutely necessary for the good of the meeting. Use your judgment…”
  2. Unless stated otherwise, the Chairs of the Standing Committees shall be full-time faculty members not serving on the Executive Committee (EC), barring extenuating circumstances in which a replacement should be appointed in appropriate time. Exception: student liaison committee and Student Professional Conduct Review Committee are chaired by the assistant dean for student affairs.
  3. In order to realize the mission, vision, and specific goals of the COP and to advance the programmatic objectives, the Dean may appoint standing, ad hoc, advisory, or special committees and working groups or other entities, as deemed necessary.
  4. All committees are maintained to represent the COP faculty organization in the governance of their affairs and to state and advance the mission, role and functions of the COP.
  5. The Faculty, non-faculty, students or staff of COP, through participation in these committees, shall be engaged in setting priorities and directions for the COP.
  6. The COP shall try to maintain equitable representation of faculty members from each of the two departments, i.e., Department of Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences and Department of Clinical Sciences, wherever applicable.
  7. The COP Dean shall appoint the Chair and members of the standing and ad-hoc committees (exception: faculty forum chair is elected by faculty) prior to July 1.
  8. Each committee chair will be responsible for seeing that the committee carries out its assigned duties as communicated by the COP Dean.
  9. All committees shall have their first meeting by start of the academic year or earlier as determined by the Chair of the committee. Each committee is responsible for stating the minimum number of meetings they will hold per year.
  10. All committees (with the exception of the EC and Student Liaison Committee) shall keep and approve minutes of meetings and business. The Chair of each committee or designee shall be responsible for the timely preparation of the minutes.
  11. Following approval by committee members, minutes shall be made available to the faculty by the committee chair, or another person appointed by the committee Chair on the shared drive of the COP.
  12. When the minutes of any standing committee include a specific recommendation or policy for faculty consideration, the COP Dean shall submit it to the EC for discussion. COP Dean has the authority to veto any recommendations if they do not comply with ACPE guidelines or negatively impact student learning outcomes.
  13. The Chair of the committee shall bring the specific recommendation(s) of any committee to the faculty meeting after its review and approval by the EC, for its ratification.
  14. A simple majority vote is required for passage of the recommendation as per Robert’s Rules of Order unless stated otherwise.
  15. Each committee (standing or ad hoc) will submit an end-of-the-year report to the Office of the COP Dean by the beginning of the Fall Term. The COP then generates a written annual report, which is made available to all faculty members.
  16. Generally, faculty members will serve on a committee for a two year term
  17. The COP Dean and all committee Chairs meet following submission of the annual report of the respective committee and prior to new assignments of every year to discuss and develop recommendations for changes for the subsequent academic year.

Membership and Scheduling:

Faculty Meetings

The COP faculty meetings shall consist of COP Dean, Assistant and Associate Deans, Chairs of departments, all teaching and non-teaching faculty (faculty and non-faculty). One of the voting members of the faculty shall be appointed by the COP Dean to serve as the secretary for one year. The COP Dean can appoint the secretary for a longer period of time.

Faculty meetings shall be held on a regularly scheduled basis, at least four times per year. The COP Dean shall call for and preside over all faculty meetings. In addition to regularly scheduled faculty meetings, the COP Dean may call for emergency meetings at any time. Faculty meetings can also be called on a request from voting member of the faculty supported by two-third voting members of faculty. The request for such a meeting should be sent to the COP Dean, who then shall call the faculty meeting.

Process of faculty meeting:

The COP Dean shall send a notice about all faculty meetings to all members of the faculty at least two working days in advance, except emergency faculty meetings. The agenda of the faculty meeting will be set by theCOP Dean before it is circulated among faculty. Faculty members may request additional agenda items by sending an e-mail to the COP Dean, which will then be included in the finalized agenda of the faculty meeting.

If a faculty requests an agenda item that has its purpose to create, amend or rescind an existing COP policy, a written statement by the proposing faculty or any other supporting documents should be included while proposing such a change. This agenda item may be included by the COP Dean.

A quorum of the faculty meeting shall consist of majority of the voting members, including the presiding officer, present at the meeting.

Functions of the Faculty meeting:

Faculty meetings shall be conducted according to parliamentary procedures under the direction of parliamentarian, a faculty member selected and appointed by the COP Dean. Robert’s Rules of Order shall serve as the authority for such procedures. The secretary will take the minutes of the faculty meeting.

The main function of the faculty meetings is to approve various policy and procedure decisions recommended by various standing and ad hoc committees. The COP Dean shall provide all administrative announcements related to the COP. The COP Dean may decide to include any additional agenda item during a course of discussion when a motion is moved by a faculty and supported by 2/3 of the voting members present in the meeting. The faculty meeting shall not serve as a platform for airing any personal grievances or issues related to an individual faculty. Such matters should be addressed through consultation of the faculty with their supervisor or Human Resources. Issues affecting a small group of faculty or specific department, will not normally be addressed at the faculty meetings unless it is added to the agenda by the Dean.

Standing Committees


Academic Performance and Standards Committee

The Academic Performance and Standards Committee (APSC) shall consist of the following:

Voting members:
Associate Dean of Academics (ex officio) Director of Experiential Education At least two members from the Department of Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences At least two members from the Department of Clinical Sciences

Non-voting members
Academic Affairs Program Manager

Departmental representatives shall be selected by a method determined by the Department Chair in consultation with departmental members. The Chair of the committee will be appointed by the Dean of the College of Pharmacy. To be appointed as the Chair of the APSC, the selected individual should serve at least one year on the APSC prior to the beginning of the term as Chair.

The APSC will meet at least once each term (three times per annum); however, meetings may be scheduled more often if required.


The APSC will develop and govern policies, procedures and regulations that adhere to the ACPE guidelines for providing an appropriate academic environment to the students enrolled in PharmD program of the COP. The committee will ensure that the COP regulations are in accordance with the general policies and procedures of CHSU and be available for use by the faculty and students alike for all academic and non-academic issues related to the PharmD program.

The APSC will review the student(s) performance and progression during professional PharmD program. Changes to policies and procedures for the academic performance and standards can be proposed by any faculty of the COP to be considered by the APSC.

The committee will assist in the development of guidelines, policies and procedures for minimum academic standards that should be maintained by PharmD students for their successful completion of the professional program. These policies include procedures regarding the following: academic progression guidelines, conditions for academic probation and dismissal from the pharmacy program.


The Chair of the APSC will report to the COP Dean.

Admissions Committee


The Admissions committee (AC) shall consist of the following:

Voting members
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs (ex officio) At least two members from the Department of Clinical Sciences At least two members from the Department of Pharmaceutical and biomedical Sciences

Non-voting members
COP Director of Admissions (ex officio) COP Assistant Director of Admissions (ex officio) Administrative Assistant

The Chair and AC members shall be appointed by the COP Dean and shall serve a minimum of two consecutive years and may be reappointed by the Dean without limits. The Chair of the AC will be responsible for calling meetings of the committee. Terms for faculty members will begin on July 1 and end on June 30th of the following year. The AC will meet at least three times a year, or as determined by the Chair.


The main functions of the AC are to determine the policies and procedures for admission to the COP, determine minimum criteria for admissions, and recommend students for interviews and admissions based on such criteria to the COP Dean. The AC will coordinate to conduct interviews of select group of candidates seeking admission at the COP. The interviews will be conducted by the COP faculty, adjunct faculty, preceptors and students as per guidelines set by the AC. At least one member of the interview team must be selected from the COP faculty. The admissions process will strive to include students, adjunct faculty and preceptors as part of the admissions interview team. The AC will also be responsible for regular review of the admission policies, procedures, and admissions criteria to ensure effective recruitment of eligible students.


The AC reports to the COP Dean on all matters related to student admissions.

Curriculum Committee


The Curriculum Committee shall consist of the following:

Voting members:
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (ex officio) At least two members from the Department of Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences At least three members from the Department of Clinical Sciences including the Director of Experiential Education One student each from the 1st and 2nd professional year PharmD class

Non-voting members:
Administrative Assistant

The Chair and the member of the Curriculum Committee will be appointed by the COP Dean in consultation with the Department Chairs and the Associate Dean for Academic affairs. The selected individual should serve at least one year on the Curriculum Committee prior to the beginning of term as Chair.

The Curriculum Committee will meet at least once each term (three times per annum); however, meetings may be scheduled more often if required.


The Curriculum Committee is charged with oversight of the curricular offerings of the COP to maintain academic integrity, meet accrediting organization standards, and to fulfill the mission of the COP. To meet these goals, the Curriculum Committee is responsible for establishing and maintaining the curriculum offered by the COP, including but not restricted to the course number, title, description, content, credit hours, structure (lecture, laboratory, etc.), prerequisites and co requisites, grading system, attendance, required and recommended texts, scheduled meeting times, term offered, time period offered, length of each class session, and exam schedule.

The course coordinator, assigned by the respective department chair shall submit a course outline and proposed textbook to the Curriculum Committee and submit a complete course syllabus to Curriculum Committee for approval prior to the start of the term according to the rules set by the Curriculum Committee. The Curriculum Committee will review and respond to the Course Coordinator through the department Chair, if any changes are desired. The Course Coordinator should contact the Chair of the Curriculum Committee for final approval of the syllabus at least one month prior to the start of the term. In addition, changes to the curriculum can be proposed by the Curriculum Committee or, alternatively, by the faculty in consultation with respective department Chair. However, only the curriculum committee can introduce curricular changes before the full faculty for a vote.

The COP Curriculum Committee will use the following criteria to assess, evaluate, modify the prepharmacy requirements and curricular offerings as required to fulfill the requirements of all accrediting organizations and to meet the mission of the COP:

  • Evaluation of the course by students
  • Evaluation of each course by faculty directly involved in delivery of the course
  • Peer evaluations of the course
  • Departmental evaluation of the course
  • Alumni and other stakeholder input
  • Current accrediting organizations standards including ACPE
  • Any other pertinent data

Following review of these data the Curriculum Committee will determine the scope of any curricular changes required and establish a time frame for their implementation. Due to the closely integrated nature of the curriculum, careful consideration should be given not only to changes in a single course, but the impact these changes may have on other courses in the curriculum. The intent should be to minimize the impact curricular changes might have on students that have already matriculated but to maximize the benefit to the integrity of the curriculum offered by the COP especially as it may impact future students and the profession.

Assistant Dean for Assessment would attend curriculum committee as needed

Co-curriculum subcommittee

Solicit and identify activities that supports, supplements, and reinforces the outcomes of the curriculum At least one member from the Department of Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences At least one member from the Department of Clinical Sciences


The Chair of the Curriculum Committee will report to the COP Dean.

Assessment Committee


The Assessment Committee shall consist of the following:

Voting members:
Assistant Dean for Assessment (ex officio) At least two members from the Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences At least two members from the Department of Clinical Sciences One student each from the 1st and 2nd professional year PharmD class

Non-voting members
Administrative Assistant

The Chair and the members of the Assessment Committee will be appointed by the COP Dean in consultation with the Department Chairs and the Associate Dean for Academic affairs. The selected individual should serve at least one year on the Assessment Committee prior to the beginning of the term as Chair. One of the students shall be appointed as a regular and another as an alternate member by the Dean to serve a one-year term. The Assessment Committee will meet at least once each term (three times per year) or as determined by the Chair of the Assessment Committee.


The Assessment Committee is responsible for establishing and maintaining the criteria, methods, forms, and timing of assessment of all functions by the faculty, administrators, staff, and students in the COP. The Assessment Committee is also responsible for the compilation and interpretation of the results of all assessment tools followed by dissemination of the results to the appropriate individual(s) or committee for appropriate action.

hile aggregate data of faculty evaluations, without identifying information, can be generally released to the assessment committee, assessment results for individual faculty performance will be released only to the individual faculty member, the Chair of the faculty member’s department, the COP Dean, the Associate Dean for Academic affairs and others as needed to effect the institutions human resources policies and procedures.

The Assessment Committee will, at least annually, request input from any person or committee that receives assessment data directly from the committee for suggested improvements to assessment criteria, methods, forms, and timing. The assessment committee shall be responsible for both curricular and programmatic assessment of all activities of COP.


The Chair of the Assessment Committee will report to the COP Dean.

Awards and Recognition Committee


The Awards and Scholarship Committee shall consist of the following:

Voting members:
At least two members from the Department of Clinical Sciences At least two members from the Department of Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences

The Chair and the members of the Awards and Recognition Committee will be appointed by the COP Dean in consultation with the Department Chairs. The Dean-COP may appoint a designee to the committee, as needed.

The Awards and Recognition Committee will meet at least once per year or as determined by the Chair of the Awards and Recognition Committee.


The main functions of the Awards and Recognition Committee are to determine the policies and procedures for developing criteria of student awards, and to select student recipients for established awards.

The Awards and Recognition Committee will determine the policies and procedures for developing criteria of faculty awards. The Awards and Recognition committee Chair shall seek the names of faculty award recipients from the respective department chairs based on the criteria developed by the committee and submit to the COP Dean.


The Chair of Awards and Recognition committee will report to the COP Dean.

Faculty Development Committee


The Faculty Development Committee (FDC) shall consist of the following:

Voting members:
At least two members from the Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences At least two members from the Department of Clinical Sciences

The Chair and the members of the FDC will be appointed by the COP Dean in consultation with the Department Chairs. The Chair should serve at least one year on the FDC prior to the beginning of the term as Chair.

The FDC will meet at least once each term (three times per year) or as determined by the Chair of the Faculty Development Committee.


The FDC is responsible for developing programs to facilitate progress of faculty in teaching, research and service. The FDC shall seek input from CHSU-COP faculty members regarding the kind of programs, workshops and other development activities that they wish to participate in and FDC will discuss it during its committee meeting and work towards organizing such a program. The FDC shall monitor the progress of the implementation of the programs.


The Chair of the FDC will report to the COP Dean.

Promotion Committee


The Promotion Committee shall normally consist of the following:

Voting members:
At least four members from one COP Department At least three members from the other COP Department Non-voting Members:
Administrative Assistant

The Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences and the Department of Clinical Sciences shall have the majority of members on the Promotion Committee in alternate years. Members of the Committee shall hold the rank of Associate Professor or Professor and shall not have an administrative appointment (as Chair of Department or higher) in the College of Pharmacy.

Committee members from each department shall be elected through a secret ballot among the Faculty Membersin that department without an administrative appointment. The Dean of the College of Pharmacy shall officially make appointments to the Committee on the basis of the election results. Members shall serve staggered two-year or three-year terms on the Promotion Committee.

The Chair of the Promotion Committee shall be appointed by the COP Dean with the provision that the Chair should have served previously for at least one year when possible on the Committee. A priority in making this appointment shall be to ensure balanced representation for the two departments.

When there are insufficient Faculty Members in the College of Pharmacy to elect a Committee that meets the criteria in the preceding sections, the composition of the Promotion Committee will necessarily diverge from that prescribed above. Under such circumstances, the Committee shall be limited to five members appointed in accord with specifically defined priorities. (additional policies and procedures for promotion will be prepared by the committee in consultation with the COP dean).

The Promotion Committee will meet at least once each term (three times a year). Meetings will be scheduled more frequently by the Chair of the Committee as required.


The Promotion Committee is charged with the review of applications for appointment, promotion and Rank, and for status as Professor Emeritus, of faculty within the College of Pharmacy. Recommendations concerning appointment at a given rank shall be made to the Dean of the College of Pharmacy. Recommendations for promotion, and emeritus status shall be made to the Chair of the Promotion Committee. The Promotion Committee is also charged with the interim review of COP faculty mid-way through their progress towards promotion and with review of volunteer clinical faculty before appointment.

The procedures and criteria for review of all candidates for appointment, promotion shall be in accordance with the ‘Guidelines for Promotion’ in the CHSU College of Pharmacy Faculty Handbook.

All new faculty members in the College of Pharmacy shall be reviewed by the Promotion Committee to determine an appropriate rank prior to their appointment.

The main criteria to be considered in evaluating a candidate for promotion are: (a) proficiency in teaching, (b)research and other scholarly work, and (c)service toCHSU, the College of Pharmacy and the profession. Clinical activities and administrative duties should be allocated in an appropriate manner among these three categories of faculty responsibility. A candidate for promotion shall excel in at least two of these categories and exhibit competence in the third.

Interim review by the Promotion Committee shall be available to all Faculty Members at the rank of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor. The outcome of the interim review shall be provided to the Faculty Member and the Chair of the department. Though a goal is to advise the Faculty Member about potential deficiencies, the Promotion Committee cannot guarantee success for the Faculty Member when he or she subsequently applies for promotion.


The Chair of the Promotion Committee will report to the COP Dean.

Student Liaison Committee


Members of the Student Liaison Committee shall consist of Voting members

Assistant Dean for Student Affairs (Chair) The Class Chair, or if vacant, Class Representative from each PharmD class At large representatives from each class (1-2 per class by volunteering).

The Student Liaison Committee will meet at least once each term (three times per year) or as determined by the Chair of the Student Liaison Committee. The Student Liaison Committee will be established in the fall term for each academic year.


The Student Liaison Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the COP Dean on matters affecting students. It shall also serve as a communications link between the student body, the Faculty and the Executive Committee. The Student Liaison Committee may invite any COP student, faculty or Administration directly to address any academic or non-academic issues.


The Chair of the Student Liaison Committee shall report to the COP Dean.

Ad hoc Committees

Faculty Search Committee

The faculty search and selection process will be governed by the Faculty Search Committee (FSC) as described below.


The FSC shall consist of the following: Voting members
Three members from the Department (Primary Department), where the selected individual will perform the function One member of the other department (Secondary Department)

The Chair of the FSC and its members shall be appointed by the COP Dean in consultation with the Chair of the Primary Department. Out of the three members from the primary department, one member shall closely match with expected expertise of the candidate. TheChair of the FSC will be responsible for calling meetings of the committee. The FSC will function until the search is completed and the final offer is accepted by the candidate(s).


The FSC shall be responsible for preparing suitable advertisement for the position in consultation with the respective department chair and the human resources department of CHSU. The committee shall also be responsible to develop the criteria for selection of the suitable candidate as per the rules and regulations of CHSU. The committee will provide a written assessment of each candidate’s credential for the select position to the Chair of the department. On basis of the assessment of the committee, the Chair of the department will consult with the Dean and invite selected candidates for an onsite interview. Within three days following the completion of the interview, the Chair of the FSC shall submit the evaluation report to the Chair of the Primary Department and the COP Dean. The office of the Dean shall make the final selection of candidates.


The Chair of the FSC shall report to the COP Dean.

Self-Study Steering Committee


Associate Dean for Academic affairs (Chair) Assistant Dean for Student Affairs Assistant Dean for Assessment Department Chair of Clinical Sciences Department Chair of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences Director of Experiential Education

The COP shall develop self-study sub-committees as needed

Each of the sub-committees shall work under leadership of the Self Study Steering Committee and consist of at least one member of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences and one member of the Department of Clinical Sciences. The Dean may also appoint students as sub-committee members. Each sub-committee shall be chaired by one of the members of the respective sub-committee and appointed by the COP Dea


The primary charge of Self Study Steering Committee is to oversee the COP’s self-study process to systematically assess and document all COP activitiesin accordance with the current and newly developed ACPE accreditation standards. Each sub-committee will be responsible to responding to specific requests from ACPE for progress reports, including documentation, in order to maintain the accreditation of the College, as well as coordinating the Self Study Reports necessary for re-accreditation visits and preparing application for accreditation.


The Chair of the Self Study Steering Committee shall report to the COP Dean.

Bylaws Committee


The Bylaws Committee shall consist of the following: Voting members At least two members from the Department of Clinical Sciences At least two members from the Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences Associate Dean for Academic affairs (ex officio)

The Chair of the Bylaws Committee, voting, members will be appointed by the COP Dean. The terms of the subsequent Bylaws Committee and its members will begin as soon as it is constituted and continue until the objectives of the Bylaws committee, defined by the COP Dean, are achieved.

The Chair of the Bylaws Committee will be responsible for calling meetings of the committee.


The main function of the Bylaws Committee is to develop and define the composition, functions and reporting guidelines for Executive, Standing, ad hoc and special committees of the COP.

For adoption of any specific recommendation by the Bylaws Committee, the Chair of the Bylaws Committee will present the recommendations to the faculty meeting. A two third majority vote of the faculty shall be required for adoption of the recommendation of the Bylaw Committee.

The Bylaws adopted by the CHSU COP shall not supersede the Bylaws of CHSU.


The Chair of the Bylaws Committee shall report to the COP Dean.

Student Professional Conduct Review Committee


The Student Professional Conduct Review Committee shall consist of the following: Voting members Assistant Dean for Student Affairs (chair) At least one member from the Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences At least one member from the Department of Clinical Sciences At least two students

The Chair of the Pharmacy Student Professional Conduct Review Committee and its members shall be appointed by the COP Dean. The Chair of the Student Professional Conduct Review Committee will be responsible for calling meetings of the committee.


The Pharmacy Student Professional Conduct Review Committee shall be responsible for reviewing COP studentsfor potential violations of academic integrity and other professional misconduct issues(excluding matters covered by the University’s Unlawful Harassment, Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct & Title IX Policy and Procedures, unless such policy otherwise permits the role of the committee in such matters). . The Committee chair will collect and evaluate documentation and evidence, including personal interviews and present information to the committee and make recommendations to the Dean. The committee must comply with the University’s due process and other policies applicable to student conduct


The Chair of the Pharmacy Student Professional Conduct Review Committee will report to the COP Dean.

Special Committee(s)

Faculty Forum


The COP Faculty Forum shall consist of all voting members of the General Faculty as defined in the COP bylaws, who have appointments in the College of Pharmacy, CHSU.

The Faculty Forum shall elect a chair by a simple majority vote of the members of the faculty forum during an election at a faculty meeting. The Chair will be a member of the faculty forum and serve for a term of one year. The Chair will rotate annually between the Department of Clinical Sciences and the Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences. In the event that no nominations are received from the eligible department, faculty members from the other department will be eligible for the Chair position.

The faculty forum chair may be removed anytime during their term by a two-third majority vote by the members of the faculty forum during a faculty meeting. Upon removal of the faculty forum chair, a new chair shall be elected for the remainder of the term as per the process defined above.

In the event the faculty forum chair wishes to relinquish the chair position for any reason he/she would notify the Dean. A new faculty forum chair will be elected for the remainder of the term as per the process defined above.


The COP Faculty shall organize a meeting to be known asthe "Faculty Forum." The purpose of the Faculty Forum shall be a platform for free discussion of matters of interest to the CHSU-College of Pharmacy (COP) Faculty members.

The Chair of the Faculty forum shall convene a meeting of the Faculty Forum at the request of one or more of the following: 1) any member of the faculty forum or 2) any administrative team member. The Chair will call for a Faculty Forum and announce the agenda at least twenty-four (24) hours before convening a session. This call shall be circulated to the Faculty by CHSU e-mail.

The Chair will serve as a member of the Executive Committee of the COP and will routinely report, in this meeting, the activities of the forum.


The Chair of faculty forum will report to the COP Dean

Section 7: Construction 

  1. Job Descriptions. Summaries of position descriptions and duties are not exhaustive. More detailed job descriptions of responsibilities are on file with the Office of Human Resources, as those job descriptions may change from time to time in CHSU COP’s sole discretion. Nothing in the job duties described above limit CHSU COP’s ability to change duties assigned to personnel
  2. Compliance. Nothing in this policy will be interpreted, applied, or enforced in a manner inconsistent with applicable law, including but not limited to Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.

Amendment of the Bylaws and history

Procedure for amendment

To amend Bylaws during a faculty meeting a written notice of the proposed amendment and a statement of the purpose and effect of the proposed amendment shall be distributed to each member of the Faculty by the Faculty Meeting Secretary at least seven days prior to the meeting at which the amendment will be considered.

The Bylaws can also be amended in a faculty meeting provided that the motion was originally presented at a previous faculty meeting.

The Bylaws shall be amended during the faculty meeting, when a quorum is present, by a two-thirds majority vote.

History of adoption and amendment of bylaws These bylaws replace any previous policies defined in governing statutes-3 of the COP.

  1. The first Bylaws were approved by the faculty of the COP on 23rd Sept, 2021. The committee members drafting the document were the administrative members of the COP: Dr. Harish Parihar (Chair), Dr. Mark Okamoto, Dr. Vinayak Shenoy, Dr. Sreenivasulu Pattipati, Dr. Anitha Shenoy, Dr. David Ombengi, Dr. Sunil Sonawane.
  2. Edited bylaws were approved by the faculty of the COP on 30th Sept, 2021 via email vote