2023 Faculty Handbook

Message from the President

Welcome to California Health Sciences University – CHSU! We strive to inspire everyone in our diverse campus community to continue advancing our mission – to improve the health care outcomes of people living in the Central Valley.

Our new and innovative University is rapidly developing and expanding, enabling our faculty, staff, and administration to have plentiful opportunities for growth and development.

To help those in our campus community achieve their goals, we are committed to supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion in our supportive campus culture. We are working to develop a distinctive approach to education and ensuring our programs are accessible to and affordable for all students – especially those from our region. Because only together can we resolve the dire health provider shortages in the Central Valley and help to support the underserved communities in our region and beyond!

We are proud to be accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) and we currently offer Doctor of Pharmacy, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, and Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences programs. To help secure the health care workforce needed in our growing region, we are currently exploring other programs where the student demand and regional need are very high. The continued campus development will occur in multiple phases, as new programs and colleges are added for postgraduate health education. The campus could ultimately approach 2,000 students and nearly 300 faculty and staff.

From the dedicated faculty and staff to our community partners, and most importantly our students, together we can improve the health care outcomes of the great people in our region.

Florence T. Dunn
California Health Sciences University