Student evaluation of instruction and courses at all CHSU Colleges currently serves two purposes:
- To provide an opportunity for faculty and course improvement through student feedback.
- To aid in arriving at faculty reward and promotion decisions.
Instruments utilized for student evaluation of courses and instructions must be designed and developed by the Assessment committee in collaboration with Curriculum committee and academic affairs. The instruments must allow students to provide written comments in addition to providing numeric ratings of predetermined criteria.
Evaluation of Courses
All didactic courses and Practical Experiences (including preceptors) will be evaluated each time the course is offered, at its conclusion.
Process of Evaluation
The Office of Academic Affairs and Assessment disburses and manages all course and instructional evaluations. The evaluation will be conducted in a manner that will maintain the anonymity of the students and remove the faculty from direct participation in the process. In the case of either electronic or paper evaluations, student names or identification numbers will not be linked to their completed evaluations.
Results of Evaluation
The results of these evaluations are distributed by the Office of Academic Affairs and Assessment at the end of the course in which the evaluation occurs and only after assignment of grades.
Focus Groups
Focus liaison groups of students are nominated by their peers and selected by Office of Academic Affairs and Assessment to serve as a means of course and instructional assessment at the discretion of the colleges.