COP Organization

The Dean, as the Chief Academic Officer, is responsible for all faculty, student, and staff activities directed at achieving the mission of the College. The College shall be comprised of two Departments (namely, the (1) Departments of Clinical Sciences and (2) Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences (which includes a division of Social and Economic Sciences) and key administrative, functional units (namely, the Office of the Dean, Office of the Associate Dean for Academic affairs, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, Assistant Dean for Assessment and Director of Experiential Education). The Dean may realign the organizational structure (Figure 1) or “appoint” additional or different admin in the Dean’s sole discretion without further approval from the faculty, consistent with other University policies and procedures such as those of HR and the Business Office. . The Administrative team is comprised of the COP Dean, all Assistant and Associate Deans, Chairs of the Departments of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences and Clinical Sciences, Director of Experiential Education, and any other person appointed by the COP Dean.

I. Purpose

This promotion policy is intended to provide clarity and specificity regarding the types of activities that faculty can use to build a record of achievement worthy of promotion. Promotion represents an acknowledgement of demonstrated faculty excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service, as well as a consistent commitment to the mission, vision, goals and values of the college. The procedures of this policy are designed to assist faculty in meeting promotion requirements and complying with application deadlines in order to enhance the likelihood of a successful outcome. The policy also provides guidance to reviewers to ensure a fair and objective process. Faculty promotion shall be either from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor or from Associate Professor to Full Professor.

II. Eligibility 

Faculty in the College Pharmacy (COP) are typically eligible to be promoted after having completed 5 years of service at CHSU COP at the current rank. A faculty member may initiate the promotion process at the start of the 5th year, after having completed 4 years of service. Credit for time served in rank at other institutions or for part-time service can be negotiated in advance with the Dean in consultation with the promotion committee. Any such agreements shall be documented in writing and a copy provided by the applicant to the Department Chair or immediate supervisor prior to joining CHSU. Any such credit received shall not exceed more than 3 years. 

III. Process and Timeframe

  1. Letter of Intent
    Faculty shall initiate the process of promotion by first submitting a letter of intent to their respective Department Chair (or immediate supervisor) and the Dean, outlining the justification for having met the promotion criteria and requesting a promotion review. If both the Department Chair (or immediate supervisor) and the Dean approve the request for promotion, the Dean shall appoint a Promotion Committee. If the request for promotion is denied (by either of them), the Department Chair (or immediate supervisor) and the Dean will meet with the faculty member to discuss their concerns about the faculty member’s qualifications for promotion and plan a course of action to place the faculty member on a path to promotion.
  2. Submission of Dossier
    The applicant shall prepare a dossier with content and format as described in this policy.
    The purpose of the dossier is to showcase the faculty member’s achievements so as to justify promotion by illustrating that all the required promotion criteria have been met. These guidelines are intended to help faculty effectively use the dossier as a tool to document and showcase their achievements in a clear and well-organized format. Applicants should be aware that when reviewers evaluate a dossier, the primary focus is on the content, but factors such as organization, labeling, and design can affect a reviewer’s interpretation of the contents in relation to the criteria. It behooves the applicant to prepare a dossier that is “user-friendly” for those who must evaluate it. A dossier must be submitted in digital form.
    Contents of the dossier should be arranged as follows:
    1. Cover page with name, department, current rank and date submitted
    2. Letter of intent from the applicant
    3. Letter recommending promotion from the Department Chair or immediate supervisor
    4. Table of Contents
    5. Current curriculum vitae
    6. Reports of the annual faculty performance evaluations conducted by the Department Chair or immediate supervisor (if available) for 3 years at the current rank
    7. The percentage of workload distributed between the promotion categories, Teaching, Research and Scholarship, and Service and Leadership
    8. The dossier shall then be divided into 3 sections according to the 3 promotion categories: (a) Teaching, (b) Research and Scholarship, and (c) Service and Leadership
    9. Each section should begin with two bulleted lists of accomplishments within the category, with the first list including achievements that meet the essential criteria to apply for promotion and the second list including achievements that are expected for promotion from Assistant professor to Associate professor and from Associate professor to Full Professor
    10. Following the 2 bulleted lists for each category, additional supporting documentation should be included, as follows


  • A statement of teaching philosophy
  • A list of all courses taught (with percentage involvement) at the current rank
  • End of the semester Instructor (and rotation) evaluations from students for all courses taught at the current rank o Peer assessments available at the current rank (minimum 3 assessments from the preceding 3 years)
  • A list of developmental or training activities undertaken to enhance teaching skills
  • Other representative items, such as course syllabi, handouts, application exercise materials, assessment tools, teaching awards, etc. These items should be representative, not exhaustive

Research and Scholarship

  • A statement of research philosophy or scholarly interests
  • A full copy of at least one accepted primary/corresponding author article and the title page of other articles (include impact factor and number of citations, if known) published at the current rank
  • A copy of any posters published abstracts presented, along with date, location and title of the conference
  • The title page from any books or book chapters published at the current rank
  • A description of any grants awarded, or funded research projects including applicant’s role in project (principal or co-investigator, or other) at the current rank
  • A description of any consultative services provided
  • Flyers to illustrate presentations at local, state or national/international meetings, if applicable
  • Other representative items that reflect scholarship or research activities.
  • These items should be representative, not exhaustive

Service and Leadership

  • A list of committee memberships at the College or University level
  • A list of committees chaired at the College or University level
  • A list of professional memberships, as well as any offices held, committees or task forces served on, or delegate responsibilities
  • A list of Board Certifications
  • A list of student advisees and a description of any student mentoring activities
  • A list of any advisor responsibilities for student organizations
  • A description of participation in student activities and functions
  • A description of implementation of a novel pharmacy practice model
  • A description of community service activities provided on behalf of CHSU
  • Other representative items that reflect service or leadership activities. These items should be representative, not exhaustive
  1. Formation of a Promotion Committee
    A promotion committee shall be appointed by the Dean, consisting of four (4) faculty members plus a chair. All members of the committee shall be at a rank equal to or above the rank requested for promotion, if possible. Department Chair or immediate supervisor shall not be eligible to serve on the Promotion Committee. The members of the Promotion Committee, other than the Chair, should consist of numbers from the PBS, SES and CAS departments if possible, but shall always contain at least one member from the applicant’s department. If a sufficient number of at-rank faculty cannot be found, the Promotion Committee shall obtain members external to CHSU in the same or substantially similar discipline as the promotion applicant. Once the Dean has selected the four members of the Promotion Committee, the applicant shall be notified of the selections and provided an opportunity to remove one member from the list. If a person is removed, a replacement shall be determined from inside or outside of the University by mutual agreement of the Dean and the applicant. The Dean shall then develop a list of three potential faculty for the Chair position of the Promotion Committee. The Promotion Committee Chair must have a minimum of 2 years of full time employment at CHSU and be of at least equal rank to the position for which the applicant is applying. The applicant may disqualify one faculty member from the list for the Chair position. Once this option has been exercised by the applicant, the dean shall finalize the chair appointment and no further adjustments to the Promotion Committee may be made.
  2. Review of the Dossier by the Department Chair or Immediate Supervisor
    The first step in evaluating the applicant’s dossier shall be conducted by the Department Chair or immediate supervisor. The dossier should be submitted to the Department Chair or immediate supervisor. The Department Chair or immediate supervisorshall review the dossier, determine whether to recommend the applicant for promotion based on the dossier, and prepare a written letter expressing support or rejection of the applicant’s request for promotion. The Department Chair or immediate supervisor shall add the letter to the dossier and deliver it to the Promotion Committee Chair.
  3. Selection of External Reviewers
    The Promotion Committee Chair shall solicit the names of 3 external reviewers from the applicant and also 3 names from the Department Chair or immediate supervisor. External reviewers must be recognized as experts in a discipline similar to that of the applicant andhold academic rank at or above that to which the applicant is applying. From the list of 6 names,the Promotion Committee Chair shall select 3 external reviewers and arrange with them to provide written feedback to the Committee based on their evaluation of the applicant’s dossier in relation to the CHSU promotion criteria. Evaluations from external reviewers shall be included in the dossier and used as supplemental advisory feedback to the members of the Promotion Committee. Evaluations from the reviewers must be received by the Chair and added to the dossier.
  4. Promotion Recommendations and Final Decision
    After a thorough review of all promotion materials and comparison of the documentation to the CHSU promotion criteria, each member of the Promotion Committee, including the Committee Chair, shall vote for or against recommending promotion. The chair of the Promotion Committee shall forward the vote tally and written recommendations, along with a rationale for the decision, to the Dean, along with the applicant’s dossier, including written reports from the external reviewers. Any member of the Promotion Committee who disagrees with the decision has the right to submit a separate written evaluation to the Dean. In the case of a negative recommendation, the committee shall clearly specify the identified deficiencies that prompted its decision.
    The Dean shall submit a final evaluation and recommendation to the Provost, along with the recommendations of the Promotion Committee, the dossier, and all related documentation. The Provost, after reviewing the materials, shall make the final decision of whether or not to grant promotion, and notify the Board of Trustees, the Dean, the applicant, and the Promotion Committee Chair
  5. Appeal of the Decision
    If an applicant is denied promotion, the applicant may appeal the decision to the Provost by submitting a written explanation detailing the justification of the appeal. An appeal must be submitted within 10 business days of the applicant being notified of the decision. The Provost shall render a decision about the appeal and notify the applicant of the outcome within 10 business days. The decision of the Provost is final.
  6. Time Schedule of the Promotion Process
    Person Responsible Action Fall Cycle Spring Cycle
    Applicant Applicant submits a letter of intent to apply for promotion to Department Chair or immediate supervisor and Dean July 1 January 6
    Dean and Department Chair or Immediate Supervisor Department Chair or immediate supervisor and Dean consider the merits of the request to apply for promotion and decide whether to allow the promotion process to proceed. The Dean notifies the applicant of the decision. July 15 January 15
    Applicant If the applicant receives approval from the Dean to apply for promotion, the applicant submits all promotion materials (dossier) to the Department Chair or immediate supervisor August 1 February 1
    Dean Dean nominates a Chair and members to the Promotion Committee. After giving the applicant a chance to disqualify nominees per policy, the Dean finalizes membership August 15 February 15
    Department Chair or Immediate Supervisor After reviewing dossier, the Department Chair or immediate supervisor adds a letter to the dossier either recommending or not recommending promotion and submits the dossier to the Promotion Committee Chair August 15 February 15
    Promotion Committee Chair Promotion Committee Chair arranges for external review of the applicant’s dossier by a suitable number of external reviewers August 15 February 15
    Promotion Committee Chair The Promotion Committee Chair receives letters from external reviewers and includes them in the dossier. October 1 April 1
    Promotion Committee Chair The Promotion Committee Chair organizes a meeting of the promotion committee to discuss and vote on the candidates promotion October 15 April 15
    Promotion Committee Chair The Promotion Committee Chair provides written report of the committee’s findings and submits it, along with the committee’s recommendation and applicant’s dossier, to the Dean November 1 May 1
    Dean Dean provides a written recommendation and submits applicant’s dossier with the promotion committee’s recommendations to the Provost November 15 May 15
    Provost Provost approves or denies promotion and notifies the applicant, Dean, Department Chair or immediate supervisor, and Board of Trustees. If approved, the promotion takes effect after completion of 5 years of service at that rank December 1 June 1
  7. Optional Midpoint Review
    An internal interim promotion review process is available to full-time faculty. If requested by a faculty member, the Faculty Council (FC) shall establish a group of faculty to review the individual’s achievements and performance in relation to the college’s promotion criteria. Two members of the group must hold a rank equal to or higher than the rank for which the faculty is applying. Non-FC faculty may be enlisted for the midpoint review process to satisfy this requirement. All materials for the midpoint formal review must be submitted by the applicant to the FC Chair. The FC shall submit a written evaluation to the Department Chair or immediate supervisor and the faculty member summarizing the assessment and recommendations for improvement. Specific areas of strengths and weaknesses shall be identified, as well as areas in need of enhanced focus. It is the responsibility of each faculty member to compile documentation and request that a review be conducted, if a midpoint review is desired.
  8. Consideration for Faculty with Administrative Appointment
    Faculty members who hold a combined administrative and faculty appointment in the college may request consideration for specific administrative responsibilities to be substituted for service as evidence of compliance for promotion criteria. The applicant is expected to meet teaching and research expectations for the respective rank. Justification for the substitution (for service) must be clearly explained, both quantitatively and qualitatively, in the letter of intent submitted by the applicant to the Department Chair or immediate supervisor. Such consideration, if approved by the Department Chair or immediate supervisor and Dean, shall be specifically addressed in their respective letters of approval.

IV. Promotion Criteria by Category

The following criteria are divided into 3 categories, 1) teaching, 2) scholarship and research, and 3) Service and leadership (which includes clinical practice, if applicable). The criteria are organized into 2 sections:

  1. Mandatory required criteria that must be met to justify the promotion.
  2. Achievements that should be documented in addition to required criteria for promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor and from Associate Professor to Full Professor. Each of these criteria are assigned with a credit value and the applicant must secure a specific credit value based on the rank he/she is applying

Achievements used as evidence to justify promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor cannot also be applied to promotion from Associate Professor to Full Professor. Only achievements that have occurred since the previous promotion may be included in the dossier, though long-term projects than span both time periods may be considered. Applicants who have not met one or more of the expected criteria may include a detailed written explanation justifying their qualifications for promotion in lieu of the expected criteria. Such substitution shall be considered by those involved in the review process, as described in this policy, on a case-by-case basis.

Category 1 - Teaching

The following are the mandatory required criteria that must be met to justify the promotion.

  • Demonstration of yearly update of educational materials and teaching activities consistent with new knowledge and the application of that knowledge to practice (SII-PDCA, Growth Rubric, Peer assessment, continuing education, etc)
  • Creation, development and implementation of at least one core course or didactic elective
  • Classroom teaching load consistently meets workload requirements as identified in the faculty adequacy model for the position
  • Experiential teaching load (if applicable) consistently meets workload requirements as identified in the faculty adequacy model for the position.
  • For faculty preceptors: rotation evaluations reflects a quality learning experience
  • Receive at least “meets requirements” for teaching (based on student evaluations), as determined by the Department Chair or immediate supervisor for the past 3 years
  • Receive at least “meets requirements” for teaching (based on peer assessment), as determined by the Department Chair or immediate supervisor for 3 years at the current rank

The following achievements that should be documented in addition to required criteria for promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor and from Associate Professor to Full Professor.

Credits Criteria
2.0 Overall teaching ability (3 years at the current rank) as perceived by students and documented by their responses on periodic student course evaluations (4.2 or above on a scale of 5 each year, for a period of 3 years)
2.0 Didactic or experiential teaching load consistently exceeds standard per faculty adequacy model for the position (on average. over duration at current rank, more than 20% of adequacy model)
2.0 Serve as a course coordinator for one course per year for at least 3 years at current rank (A co-coordinator in an 8-credit hour course shall be considered a course coordinator for this criterion. There shall be no more than 2 co-coordinators per course)
2.0 Recipient of teaching honor or award
1.0 Served at least once as a course co-coordinator and then course coordinator for two consecutive years at current rank
1.0 Creation, development and implementation of an innovative teaching or assessment methodology, new teaching aids as evidenced by student course/instructor evaluations and peer assessment
1.0 Certified teaching program (ACCP/AACP or TBLC) or other comprehensive teacher training programs
1.0 Hold current certification (MTM, Immunizations, etc.) consistent with practice or teaching needs

Applicant, at the current rank, must receive a minimum of 4 credits for promotion from an assistant to associate professor and 6 credits from associate to a full professor.

Category 2 - Research and Scholarship

The following scholarly achievements are the mandatory required expectations for promotion and should be used as evidence to justify promotion:

  • The applicant must have published at least one original research manuscript as a first or corresponding author over the duration at the current rank
  • Receive at least “meets requirements” for research, as determined by the Department Chair or immediate supervisor for 3 years at the current rank
  • Applicant seeking for promotion to the rank of Full Professor from associate professor is required to publish a manuscript on SoTL as a primary or corresponding author.

The following scholarship achievements should be documented in addition to the required criteria and are evaluated on basis of credit value as listed in the table below. Applicant, at the current rank, must receive a minimum of 2 credits for promotion from an assistant to associate professor and 3 credits from associate to a full professor.

Credit Nature Role
1.0 Original research manuscript First or Corresponding author
0.6-1.0 Book chapter First or Corresponding author
0.6 Review article First or Corresponding author
0.3 Case report First or Corresponding author
0.2 Non-Peer reviewed monographs Any
0.2 Research Abstract Any
0.2 Poster Presentation Presenting author
0.3 Podium presentation Presenting author
2.0 Federal/Association funded grants Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI
0.5 Intramural grants Principal Investigator (PI)
2.0 Patents Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI
0.2 Travel grants for conferences Presenting or Corresponding author

Scholarships in which the applicant is neither a first nor the corresponding author will receive half the assigned credit.

Credit awarded basing on the reputation of the publisher, scope and depth of the work on case to case basis at the discretion of the promotion committee.

Category 3 - Service and Leadership 

The following achievements meet the basic expectations for promotion and should be used as evidence to justify promotions:

  • Establish meaningful goals annually and make reasonable progress toward achieving goals, as determined by the Department Chair or immediate supervisor for 3 years at the current rank
    • Receive at least “meets requirements” for practice (if applicable), service and leadership as determined by the Department Chair or immediate supervisor for 3 years at the current rank
  • Clinical Practice Faculty
    • Maintain an active practice site
    • Provide direct patient care at least (or the equivalent of) two days per week
    • Provide patient care services that satisfy the expectation of both the college and the practice site, based on the affiliation agreement
  • Serve on assigned college or University committees
  • Participation and demonstrable contribution in student co-curricular activities
  • Participate in admission interviews of student applicants
  • Serve as an academic advisor to assigned students
  • Serve as a member for faculty search/ad-hoc committees
  • Actively mentor students in academic, professional and/or research activities

In addition to meeting the required expectations in this category; applicants, at the current rank, must receive from the following achievements a minimum of 5 credits for promotion from an assistant to associate professor, and a minimum of 7 credits for promotion from associate to full professor.

2.0 Develop innovative practice models that are reproducible and sustainable
2.0 Hold current advanced certification or credentials (such as BCPS, CDE, etc.) consistent with practice needs
2.0 Hold office/serve on a local, state, or national professional organization
2.0 Receive honors or awards for service-related activities
2.0 Serve as chair of a college or University committee
1.0 Serve as a reviewer for a refereed journal
2.0 Serve on the editorial board for a refereed journal
1.0 Chairing sessions at professional meetings
1.0 Serve as a lead for a standing meeting or huddle (1 semester)
1.0 Serve as a judge or consultant for state or national student competitions
1.0 Active involvement in student recruitment projects
1.0 Active involvement in health care advocacy, community service or outreach programs
1.0 Serve as advisor to a student organization
1.0 Serve as a class advisor
1.0 Deliver faculty/preceptor development or certification programs
1.0 Serve as a reviewer for State/National level grant funding programs
1.0 Serve as a guest speaker
1.0 Serve as a chair for faculty search/ad-hoc committees
1.0 Serve as a chair for 2 or more college/University standing committees
1.0 Maintain active membership in at least one state or national professional organization